How We Work.

Step 1:

Initial phone call.

Our first call is an opportunity to get to know each other better. You may ask me any questions regarding my creative or business process and I will ask you some questions to make regarding your project and the way you like to work to make sure we are a good fit for each other. (20 - 30 mins).


Step 2:

Client Questionnaire.

Following our call, I will send you a Client Questionnaire which is how I can gain a better understanding of your style and your inspiration for your project. I will also want to know your do’s and don’ts and your purchasing guidelines before our first meeting.


Step 3:

On-site Meeting

We will meet on-site to discuss the area/s that you would like to work on. This time will be dedicated to sharing your ideas for the space and its many functions. 

• We will discuss how you currently use the space, your current lifestyle, and what is working and what you need to change or wish to add as a function of that space. 

• This meeting will be a collaboration between you and I. We will go over your inspiration photos or images you may have as well. So, bring any magazine clippings, Pinterest boards or any other items that inspire you for your project. I take measurements and photographs of the areas that we will be working on at this time and start brainstorming possibilities.  

• Following our On-Site meeting I will take some time to carefully gather all the information that we discussed, your needs, and I will send you a proposal for your project.


Step 4:

The signing of Letter of Agreement & Deposit

Once you have reviewed my proposal for your project and have decided to move forward with our partnership, we will both sign a letter of agreement outlining the scope of work and the agreed-upon deposit will be due at that time. I will ask that all the decision-makers be present at the signing of the Agreement so that we can review the scope of the project together and the deliverables and manage and agree on all expectations before beginning your project.